Did You Know?! Our SmartPlug cordsets use Tinned Copper Wire for ultimate protection against corrosion. Just as conductive as bare copper wire, tinned copper wire can last up to 10 TIMES as long. We’ll further explore why copper is tinned for marine product use, the benefits, as well as some interesting facts.
What is Tinned Copper? Essentially, tinned copper is copper coated by a base alloy such as solder better known as tin. Copper is desirable due to its durability and being lightweight. Yet, its main drawback is the fact it’s highly susceptible to corrosion. This is where tinning comes into play.
Tinning copper strengthens the copper’s natural properties, making it better equipped to withstand the environmental elements.
How it Works – When you apply a thin coating of tin to bare copper wire, either by dipping the copper in molten metal or by using an electric current to bind the tin to the copper, you create what is known as tinned copper wire.
Tinned copper wire is particularly useful in marine products like SmartPlug and projects where the tin coat makes the wire more resistant to water. Industrial cranes and subways for example also use tinned wire in their operations.
The Benefits of Tinned Copper Wire Include:
Resists Humidity
Handles High Temperatures
Withstands Environmental Elements
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